Greetings to the "NHS Marching Chargers" out there!!
Please allow me to begin this blog on some "Marching Charger Family" info that involve our wonderful Marching Charger Family. Since I am writing the blog, I have the option of doing that, right?
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Absher Family this week. We love these folks and when they hurt, we hurt. We want you to know your sadness is being shared with us in the passing of Ron's brother. May God comfort you during this time.
With "PRIDE", I want to thank my wife Robin for 25 wonderful years of marriage. (Can any of you imagine hanging around me for 25 years?) Sept. 24th, 1983 was a day that I became the luckiest man alive. I hope and pray she will stay with me at least 25 more.
Now to Marching Charger Business.
This past week has been a whirlwind. The NHS Marching Chargers have been involved in the following:
1- Played at the opening ceremonies of the County Fair on Wed. the 17th.
2- Completed the painting of the props on Thursday night. (Thanks to Leslie Burwell for this and to the students and parents who assisted)
3- Assembled the full props Friday night prior to the football game.
4- Performed the complete program in uniform and with props at Friday nights game.
5- Senior Night on Friday night for our wonderful 8 Seniors in the Marching Charger Family.
6- Worked UNC Concessions on Saturday Sept.20th. (Thanks to those who worked)
7- I know there are other items that have taken place that I am not aware of. I apologize for leaving anything out that you may have contributed to.
It takes a lot of work and dedication for all of these things to happen. Thank you to each of you that were involved. We have a "great group" who really step up to the task that come before them. Thanks again.
All of the events above were and are important. I won't take time to write about each individually. I would like to focus mainly on two of them.
Thank you to our Seniors and their families for all they have done over the years. Our band is what it is because of the leadership you provide. We have memories that will never be erased from our minds. That is more valuable than anything else you could have given us. Lets give a shout out to our seniors!! Yea!!!!!
The other thing I wish to focus on is our 1st competition is next Saturday, Sept. 17th @ Danville Va. We need everyone there. Parents, please do whatever you can do to make this event part of your schedule. George Washington High School has a beautiful campus. It is an easy drive up Hwy. 86 through Hillsborough and Yancyville. If you turn your name in by Tuesday to Mr. C., you can dine with the band at Mary's Diner in Danville promptly at 2:30 PM on Saturday.. Band Members meal will be provided by the Boosters, however all others will be responsible for the expense of their meals. (The cost is $11.00 per adult)The meal is well worth it. A full county cooked meal with desert.
The band has to be on the GWHS campus by 5 PM. Trust me, it will be worth your time and $$$ to go to this competition. Our students and Mr. C need us in the stands cheering. They also need us to work the pit and handle the props during competition. I ask you to volunteer to assist on the field and off. If you haven't already signed up to help, you can do so by e-mailing me @ or by contacting Martha, Liz, Sharon or MR. C. If I receive information from you, I will forward to the proper person.
Well, I have said enough. Some of the photos that I have taken are attached. I want to say. We have the best looking Guard in the world. You girls are beautiful and you make your Marching Charger Family "PROUD". The uniforms are fantastic. Well Done!!
See you soon,
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