The last couple of weeks have been full of activity for the Northwood Marching Chargers. Mr. C has continued working with our wonderful band and guard getting them prepared for September 27th. Our busy schedule has included 2 home football games, UNC Concessions and multiple nights and days of working on the 2008 props. (More about props later in the blog)
The band has a great sound and they are working hard to be ready for that 1st competition. We know they will be up to the challenge!! Go Marching Chargers!!
Props- WOW, what can I say? The facts are. If it weren't for Leslie Burwell, we would be in deep trouble. Hours upon hours have been put in by Leslie and her husband Lee. Our group will be indebted to them for a long time. They have spent hours of their personal time on props. I thought about posting photos of the props on the blog, but I had rather they be a total surprise to those who have not seen them. They are not like anything we have ever had before. Our thanks go to Leslie & Lee for going the "extra mile" and for the time spent and hard work they have done. Thanks to the many other parents and for the students who have assisted a long the way. It will be exciting to see them on the field for the 1st time.
UNC Concessions were a success on Saturday Aug. 30th. It would have been a perfect day if it had not been for the 2 hour delay in the game. (thunderstorms and lightening) It made for a long evening. I know some of the parents were at the event from 1 PM until 12:30 AM. Thanks to all of those who worked and especially the ones who worked the whole time. Our next event with UNC will be on Sept. 20th. "Time to be determined"
This upcoming week will prove to be another busy one. We will continue working on props and we have our 1st Band Booster meeting since school has started. In addition, there is a special event planned for Thursday night by the NHS Arts Education Foundation. The Foundation is sponsoring an event called "New Faces at Northwood". It will give everyone an opportunity to welcome and meet Mr. Blice, (New Principle) Marilyn Shugart, (Northwood's new Choral/Drama teacher) and Mr. Logan, our CCS Superintendent. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Please mark your calender and plan on attending.
I have uploaded some of the photos from the last couple of weeks for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to everyone for all they do.
We look forward to a wonderful trip to Danville on Saturday the 27th for our first competition.
Jerry Richardson
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