Saturday, October 24, 2009


Greetings from Richardson.

I wanted to bring folks up to date regarding the blog.

I have not posted the to the blog over the past few weeks due to wanting to focus on the "NHS Eric Ramsey Cook Book" project. I felt it was important to keep the "cook book blog" at the top of our blog page so folks could easily link to the cook book site. All funds from the cook book project will be applied to the "Eric Ramsey Scholarship Fund".

Thanks to all of  you who have participated!!.

NOW for the new stuff.

Our NHS Marching Charger Band has received a "Superior" rating at all of our competitions for 2009. The have faced some fierce competition at each of the events and have performed extremely well. More photos and details on our remaining competition to come in the next few weeks.

NOW for the BIG news. Mr. Cottrell, our wonderful band director and owner of Epic Photography has donated his professional skills to the NHS Band to raise money for our general fund. Cottrell who loves photography almost as much as he loves band held a photo shoot prior to our NHS Homecoming game a couple of weeks back. He has asked me to post the proofs here for our band students, parents and friends to review and place orders from. Please take time to review the photos and get out your check books and order photos like you never have before. Pricing and ordering details will be handed out in class by Mr. Cottrell. The purpose of this blog is to show the proofs and let you and the world see our handsome and beautiful marching chargers.