Friday, November 22, 2013

Brick Capital Classic - November 2, 2013

I have delayed as much as possible positing about this competition, not for any specific reason but that it was the last competition and I am truly saddened like many others, to see the end of the season.  

The season ended with an "All Superior" year which our Marching Chargers haven't done in a few. We also rallied to make our Band Director, Eugene Cottrell, "The Best Band Director" at the competition.  It was orchestrated by both Alumni and current band members and truly showed how not only the students, but the parents feel about the Director and the music programs. 

The night was topped off, in a rare occasion, when Mr. Cottrell spoke to the students back at the school and included the parents.  Writing this it still makes me tear up at how proud he is of the students and how they, along with the parents fell about him.

Awards for the Night
Best Band Director
Superior Rating
1st Place Percussion
1st Place Visual Ensemble
2nd Place Drum Major
2nd Place Music
2nd Place Marching
2nd Place AAAA Band

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