Sunday, September 27, 2009

NHS Marching Chargers "Sweeps" Class AA @ Pinecrest with a Superior Rating and taking the crown in Class AA.

Our NHS Marching Charger Band and Color Guard put on a fantastic performance on Saturday at Pinecrest High School in Southern Pines. They received 1st place in all captions and scored a "Superior" rating. This is a great start to the season and represents the hard work and hundreds of hours put in by the students, Mr. Cottrell and his great staff. Congratulations to all of you for this accomplishment!! The Marching Chargers will take the field at Western Harnett High School in Lillington, NC next Saturday, Oct. 3rd. Please show your support and fill the stands!. Enjoy the photos! Richardson


Jerry Richardson said...

"Great coverage Jerry! Thanks : )

Especially great job by all of our band family yesterday. Thank you all for such a wonderful effort!!!


Jerry Richardson said...

Mr. Cottrell asked me to post the comment regarding the competition and blog.
